Registration under way for vacation Bible school

The First Presbyterian Church of Sayreville is accepting registration for its vacation Bible school set for Aug. 17-22. A Dinner with the Disciples is set for 6-8:30 p.m. Aug. 17. Classes will continue 6-8:30 p.m. Aug. 18-22. Sessions will be held in the Christian EducationBuilding behind the church, 172 Main St., Sayreville, across from Borough Hall.

This year’s theme will be “A Journey to Jerusalem.” Sessions are open to preschoolers (age 3) through eighth-graders.

Cost is $10 per child, $25 per family of three or more children. To register, call or email Mary at 732-651-5952, jmbeckhusen@; or Tina at 732-727-7042, [email protected]. For more information and to register, call the church at 732-257-6353.