Lego mania

PHOTOS BY CHRIS KELLY staff Above: East Brunswick's Adi Shah, 4, builds a Lego tower at the East Brunswick Public Library July 28. The library held a Lego Mania Design Contest for kids ages 6-12. Below: Justin May, 10, of East Brunswick, works on his Lego creation. Participants had 45 minutes to build an original structure, which were then judged for prizes. PHOTOS BY CHRIS KELLY staff Above: East Brunswick’s Adi Shah, 4, builds a Lego tower at the East Brunswick Public Library July 28. The library held a Lego Mania Design Contest for kids ages 6-12. Below: Justin May, 10, of East Brunswick, works on his Lego creation. Participants had 45 minutes to build an original structure, which were then judged for prizes.