Republican Club president committed to moving Marlboro forward

Marlboro has been home to me and my family for over 20 years. My children were born here, attended the Marlboro schools and I operate my business in this great town.

I was recently honored by being elected president of the Marlboro Republican Club. This has become a part of my daily life. This club’s business is all about Marlboro and moving the town forward.

Marlboro is now enjoying a time when the political parties are working more closely together than ever before. The good people involved in government and the volunteers on our various boards and committees are not just Republicans or Democrats they are residents first working together to achieve greatness.

I respect all those who contribute their precious, personal time in an effort to create a place that we are proud of. Many new members have joined in the past year to help promote positive changes that are long overdue. I am excited to be part of this progressive and positive group looking to advance the quality of life of all residents.

I salute the Township Council for working so diligently on the town’s important matters and I want to particularly thank Councilman Steve Rosenthal for his strong will to ensure that government officials are focusing on the needs of the residents and not on their own personal agendas.

I would also like to applaud Jim Sage, a longtime resident and prominent member of the club, for being the very first constituent to uncover the alleged improprieties of our high school district’s leaders.

I find it disturbing that these individuals, who are supposedly role models of education, would deceive us and put their own personal interests ahead of those of our children.

I am hopeful that the agencies currently reviewing this will expedite these proceedings so we can all put our efforts toward making the new school year a great success.

I invite all residents of Marlboro to get involved in one way or another. Whether it is in municipal government, serving on one of the numerous boards or committees, the EMS or the PTA, it is our direct, unselfish involvement that helps “Move Marlboro Forward!”

I also urge all residents to attend Marlboro Day at the municipal complex on Sept. 14. This is a day when we all come together as a community and enjoy the culture in which we live. Please stop by the Marlboro Republican Club booth as I, our council people and other concerned and involved residents would be honored to meet you. This year our theme will have an emphasis on our children.
Jerry Tomaselli
Marlboro Republican Club