Alborada to perform ‘Celtic Connection’

The Union County Performing Arts Center, 1601 Irving St., Rahway, will present the Alborada Spanish Dance Theatre in a performance of the cross-cultural “Spain Meets Ireland: The Celtic Connection” at 8 p.m. Sept. 19.

The program, set in a colorful harvest festival, will celebrate northern Spain’s Celtic heritage through Spanish and Irish music and dances such as “jotas” from Aragon, Irish jigs, the Galician “muniera,” Irish reels, classical and escuela “bolera” Spanish dances and Irish step dances. Also included is an original musical composition written and performed by Carlos Revollar, Alborada’s music director, accompanied by the Irish band Coolmagort, under the artistic direction of Patty Furlong. The piece will complement the classical Spanish “Zapateado” dance choreographed by Eva Lucena with a footwork solo by Niall O’Leary.

In addition to Coolmagort, featured artists will include Centro Orensano (a New Jersey cultural group that performs Celticinfluenced northern Spanish dances and music) and the Niall O’Leary Irish Dance Troupe.

Tickets cost $22 general admission, $17 for seniors and students.

For more information and to reserve, call the box office at 732-499-8226 or log on to