Walking for a cure

Clockwise from top: Cindy DeSarno (third from left) leads a group of walkers at the annual Vasculitis Walk in Roosevelt Park in Edison on Saturday. Edison Mayor Jun Choi expresses his sentiments to De- Sarno about her son, Anthony, who died in March 2005 at the age of 17 from Wegener's granulomatosis. Grace Wells, 8, of Ocean Township, makes friends with mascot Buddy at the event. Clockwise from top: Cindy DeSarno (third from left) leads a group of walkers at the annual Vasculitis Walk in Roosevelt Park in Edison on Saturday. Edison Mayor Jun Choi expresses his sentiments to De- Sarno about her son, Anthony, who died in March 2005 at the age of 17 from Wegener’s granulomatosis. Grace Wells, 8, of Ocean Township, makes friends with mascot Buddy at the event. PHOTOS BY SCOTT FRIEDMAN PHOTOS BY SCOTT FRIEDMAN