SOUTH BRUNSWICK — A 21-yearold was charged with DWI, obstruction of justice, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct Sunday after refusing to take sobriety tests or submit to an arrest by police, according to a police press release.
At around 9:18 a.m., police responded to reports of a man slumped behind the wheel of his car at the McDonald’s on Route 1. When police arrived, the vehicle was not there anymore, but officers found the suspect, Wesseh S. Worjroh, near his home and detected the odor of an alcoholic beverage on his breath, according to the press release.
Worjroh allegedly became combative after exiting his vehicle and refused to take sobriety tests. It took three officers to arrest him, and the suspect was pepper-sprayed to bring him under control, the release said.
At police headquarters, Worjroh was charged and then transported to the Middlesex County Adult Correction Center, North Brunswick, with bail set at $10,000.