Curley has proved to be a true public servant

John Curley has been a friend and neighbor for 10 years. He is an honest, hard-working and courageous person. He was twice elected to the Red Bank Borough Council, and deservedly so.

John Curley gets things done. Over the years, many, many people have called John. They have invariably found that he cares about the town and the people who live in it. John Curley can be relied on to do anything and everything he possibly can to benefit the community and its residents.

The concerns of the residents of Monmouth County will be John’s concerns. just as the concerns of Red Bank’s residents have been John’s concerns. John has always fought for the residents of Red Bank. He will fight for the residents of Monmouth County. He is a true public servant and a valued friend to the community.

There could be no better choice for freeholder than John Curley.
Gloria Kretowicz
Red Bank