Curley will continue tradition of excellence

As a colleague and former running mate of John Curley, I am pleased to know that we can choose to add a voice for good government in Freehold. In Red Bank, John fought hard for open government, responsible spending, and reasonable development. In Freehold, he is sure to do more of the same.

In a borough that elected officials often seemed determine to grow into a city, John fought against urbanization and overdevelopment, always aware of how our local merchants and residents would be affected by oversized projects. He fought against spending that would spiral property taxes out of control. Under his chairmanship, Red Bank improved our parks and recreational programs. John consistently held the line and kept his promise of smaller, more responsive government.

John Curley has been an advocate of Red Bank for years. As he joins his running mate, Freeholder Director Lillian Burry in continuing her work of holding property taxes steady and creating open space and improved quality of life in Monmouth County, he will advocate for everyone from the Bayshore to “down the shore” and out to the western-most reaches of the county. I look forward to seeing him continue the tradition of excellence in Freehold.
Mary-Grace Cangemi
Red Bank Borough Council