Music, poetry, discussion Oct. 25

Marc’s Place, a monthly coffeehouse of music, poetry and discussion be held Oct. 25, at 8 p.m. in the Reformed Church, 19-21 So. 2nd Ave., Highland Park.

The topic of discussion will be, “The Occupation of Palestine: Is a Just and Viable Solution Possible?” with speakers Ian Chinnich, co-founder of Jews Against the Occupation — Central Jersey, and Sumia Ibrahim, who recently spent three months in Palestine studying and volunteering at the Jalazone Refugee Camp in Ni’lin and with Stop the Wall Campaign.

Poetry by Sam Friedman, Central Jersey Coalition Against Endless War, will be featured.

Admission is free, but donations will be accepted.

Marc’s Place is sponsored by the Central Jersey Coalition Against Endless War:

For more information, call Dorothy at 732-235-1444.