More Princeton graffiti problems

Ethan Finley of Princeton
    Very recently, I discovered that a graffiti outlaw used green spray paint to place graffiti on a white metallic sign in the area of Hilltop Park on Bunn Drive, in the northwestern portion of Princeton Township. I also discovered the green colored graffiti on the glass panels of a New Jersey Transit waiting station. The graffiti on the glass panels on the New Jersey Transit waiting station had graffiti beginning with the letter N, and I estimate that the graffiti was eight inches in height.
   In Grover Park, which is part of the Princeton Shopping Center, there is graffiti on a white sign with green letters, and this portion of Grover Park is perpendicular to the Princeton Video Store. It is very distressing that the graffiti on the sign in Grover Park has been around for a very long time. My guess is that the graffiti on the signage in Grover Park has been around for approximately four years.
   Anyone reading my letter-to-the-editor who like myself believes that graffiti has no place at all in Princeton Township, and like myself feels that this graffiti should be removed as quickly as possible, should contact a member of Princeton Township Committee or call the office of the Princeton Township Administrator.
   Studies have shown that when graffiti is uncorrected in quick timing, it creates more graffiti. A classic example of these circumstances of graffiti being uncorrected is in the area of Route 1 South, as soon as you get into the Trenton portion of Route 1. Another example is under bridge overpasses on Route 1 North in Middlesex County. I do not think, the city of Philadelphia or the city of Trenton can win the war on graffiti with the outlaws, however Princeton Borough and Princeton Township can win the war on graffiti with the outlaws.
Ethan C. Finley