Man charged with public porn watching

METUCHEN — Police arrested and charged Edward J. Kearney, 42, New Brunswick, for watching sexually explicit material on his laptop computer while he was sitting outside What’s the Scoop on Main Street on Oct. 21.

Kearney was arrested at 1:26 a.m., police said.

Sgt. Steven Menafro, over a three-week period, said he had observed Kearney using his laptop outside the Main Street business, according to the police report. Menafro, who became suspicious, stood 10 feet from the suspect and observed that Kearney was watching sexual explicit photographs and scenes. Menafro then moved from 10 feet to 3 feet away, without Kearney noticing, the police report said.

Menafro observed a male pass Kearney and shake his head, and the officer observed three women pass. Kearney, police said, made no attempt to conceal what he was watching.

Kearney was charged with public communication of obscenities and was released on his own recognizance.