Teens invited to vote for book awards

The Teen Advisory Board of the Metuchen Public library invites all Metuchen teens (grades 6-12) to vote for the winners of the Garden State Book Awards. Ballot boxes will be available at the Metuchen Library, 480 Middlesex Ave., the Edgar School library, and the Metuchen High School library. All teens who vote can enter their names in a lottery, where they can win both a $15 gift certificate to Barnes & Noble and a free hardcover copy of a winning book of their choice.

The 2009 ballot consists of 20 titles in three categories — fiction grades 6-8, fiction grades 9-12, and nonfiction grades 6-12) — which have been chosen by members of the New Jersey Library Association. Voting takes place through Dec. 31, and winning titles will be announced in January. For more information, call 732-632-8526.