AARP announces upcoming schedule

Dr. Carl Ingrassia, a local podiatrist, will be the featured speaker at the Jan. 15 meeting of the Edison AARP Chapter 3446, to be held at 1 p.m. at Edison Job Corp, 500 PlainfieldAve. Each member should bring one can or package of food or some toiletries to restock the shelves of the Middlesex Food Bank. Dues for the chapter year 2008/09 are due, and all members must belong to the nationalAARP.

The knitting and crocheting group will meet at 10 a.m. Jan. 16 at the Edison Community Center on Plainfield Avenue. Contact Kay McCormack at 732-548-1976.

For Paper Mill Playhouse tickets, call Claire at 732-549-5316. Mary Ann Stalling will report on day trips. Art Kasoff will report on the Rocking Horse Ranch trip to take place in June. For more information, call 732-8618.