Memmolo selected to join Howell’s governing body

HOWELL — Louis Memmolo Sr., 58, never saw himself in politics. In fact, he said he never thought he would accomplish as much as he has.

Memmolo, who has lived in Howell for 31 years, is a volunteer firefighter with the Southard Fire Department and the newest member of the Township Council.

On Jan. 20, Memmolo was appointed to the council seat that came open after Robert Walsh, who had been serving on the council, was elected Howell’s mayor in November.

Memmolo’s appointment is for 2009. In November there will be an election for the remainder of Walsh’s council term.

Memmolo is a native of Middletown. He has a son, Louis, 35, and a late daughter, Meredith. His wife is Mary. Memmolo works for Davlyn Industries as a senior manufacturing supervisor. He thanked his family for their support and said they encouraged him to seek the council position.

“They are the reason why I have achieved so much,” he said.

Memmolo was one of nine Howell residents who applied to fill Walsh’s seat on the council. The others who sought the position were Marcie A. Nowicki, Steve Morlino (who withdrew his application on Jan. 5), Joe Patten, John D. Rogerson, Curtis Vislocky, Rick Ryan, Michael VanderGoot and Carlos M. Riquinha.

“There was a great response to the opening and we had a lot of outstanding candidates,” Walsh said. “What pushed Mr. Memmolo over the top was his 30 years of service as a volunteer firefighter. He was knowledgeable about the town and most importantly he is an honorable man. He will give representation to the southwestern section of Howell, which is in need of it. I am proud of my decision.”

Memmolo said his experience as a fire chief and a fire commissioner not only gave him a chance to travel around Howell and meet the residents, it also afforded him opportunities to lead other people and to work with tax dollars.

He said he is humbled by his appointment to the council and called it his “jump on the big stage.”

“I can’t really make promises to anyone about anything, but I can say that I will do my best for the people of Howell,” Memmolo said. The new councilman said he is interested in the infrastructure of the township and in bringing water and sewer service to certain parts of the town that he said have been overlooked.

He said he will work to get up to speed on the issues Howell is facing.

— Toynett Hall