Howell men march at inauguration

Taylor Huttenloch, 20, and Jonathan Ricardo, 20, both of Howell and members of the Coast Guard’s Recruit Company Victor 180, marched in the 56th Presidential Inauguration in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 20.

As part of a tradition, the recruits provided ceremonial support for the event at which Barack Obama was sworn in to office as the nation’s 44th president.

According to a press release, “Providing military ceremonial support to the inauguration dates back 220 years. When George Washington began his inaugural journey from Mount Vernon, Va., to New York City, local militias joined his inaugural procession as it passed through towns along the way. Once Washington arrived in New York City, a presidential escort composed of members of the U.S. Army, local militia units and Revolutionary War veterans accompanied him to Federal Hall for the presidential oath. The military has continued this tradition of inaugural support ever since.”

Several hundred armed forces personnel provided support to the 56th Presidential Inauguration during the 10-day inaugural period this month.

This support is traditionally composed of musical units, marching bands, color guards, salute batteries and honor cordons, which render appropriate ceremonial honors to the commander in chief. Historically, as many as 5,000 service members have participated in the celebration on Inauguration Day.