Frank Talk Bistro slates black history programs

RED BANK — Frank Talk Art Bistro and Books, 163 Shrewsbury Ave., has announced upcoming offerings, including events marking Black History Month in February.

On Jan. 28, author Phillip Thomas Duck will begin a workshop series, “The Writer in You.” Duck established himself in the young teen market with the book “Dirty Jersey” in which characters deal with real teen issues. Fledgling writers will help the author discover why his characters all need more breathing room. The last session will be devoted to getting published. This workshop, which also meets on Feb. 4 and 11, is for all ages.

Events celebrating Black History Month will include:

• Feb. 13,, 7 p.m., “Wattstax” (film), if you missed it on the big screen back in 1972, or if it was before your time, you’ll want to attend for a lively evening in the evolution of black culture. Discussion to follow.

• Feb. 20, 7 p.m., an evening with Julia Wright (daughter of Richard Wright) and Amiri Baraka (documentary) as they discuss the work of one of the greatest writers in the canon of black literature. Filmed in 2008 at the National Black Writer’s Conference.

• Feb. 21, 7 p.m., “Vision, Voice & Victory: A Salute to “Ebony” magazine and Ebony Fashion Fair” with guest speaker and former fashion writer Caryl Lucas. John H. Johnson began publishing “Ebony” in 1945. This retrospective looks at Ebony with magazines on display that date back to 1946 through the turbulent ’60s up to the election of Barack Obama. As part of the exhibit a video presentation of Ebony Fashion Fair, the longest running traveling fashion show, will be shown. Admission $10 in advance. RSVP seating is limited (732) 747-2572.

• Feb. 28, Author Carmen Rubin brings 9-year-old Ashti to life. There will be a reading and book signing. The beautifully illustrated book for ages 5-11 introduces youngsters to America’s original sound, jazz. Rubin will be accompanied by flutist Taylore Fowler.

On March 21, 1-3 p.m., Patti Webster, author of “It Happened in Church” will be at the bistro to discuss her book and sign copies. This is a funny book with many singing its praises.

Also coming this spring, Fashion Illustration and Design for teens, with Robin Malik, details TBA. Plans also include a poetry theater.

For more information on Frank Talk Art Bistro & Books, visit www.thebeyondgroupllc. com or call 732 747-2572.