Club seeks items for shelter, pediatric unit

The Our Lady of Victories (OLV) Women’s Club is sponsoring Lenten-season collections to benefit two local charitable organizations, Manna House and Saint Peter’s University Hospital Pediatric Oncology Unit, New Brunswick.

Manna House is a transitional shelter for women and their children who are leaving abusive situations. The Women’s Club hopes to create Easter baskets for children through age 8 who are housed at the shelter. Donations of nonperishable food, money, diapers (sizes 1-6), toys, coloring books, crayons and books are being accepted.

Small toys are sought for children up to age 18 who are undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments at the Saint Peter’s University Hospital Pediatric Oncology Unit.

All donations are requested by April 3. For more information, call Barbara at 732-727-2208 or Teri at 732-727-7639.