Chairs thank media, public for Running/Winning support

Recently, 62 young women — juniors in 12 local high schools — participated in the third annual Running and Winning Workshop sponsored by the League of Women Voters-Greater Red Bank Area, the Northern Monmouth County Branch of AAUW, the Junior League of Monmouth County, Red Bank Area Chapter of Hadassah, and the Monmouth County Regional Chapter of the Women’s Political Caucus.

On behalf of the sponsoring organizations, we want to thank you for telling the community about this unique opportunity for young women to learn more about public policy and how it is made.

We also wish to acknowledge the contribution of the more than 40 volunteers who planned and facilitated a very successful workshop, the 17 women in government who shared with the students what it is like to make a difference through participation in the political process, and Monmouth Regional High School’s administration and staff who provided space and support that were critical to the day’s success.

Finally, this event is supported by tax-deductible donations to the League of Women Voters education fund and would not be possible without the support of donors who want to encourage young women to consider participation in the political process as they move through their lives.

Anyone interested in more information about this event can contact Barbara Goldstein at 732-747-0824 or bobbiegold@

Thank you again for your coverage.
Barbara Goldstein
Marian Wattenbarger
Running and Winning 2009
Red Bank