Greetings to Upper Freehold from North Carolina

It’s been three years now that my family and I have left Upper Freehold. I still read the local rag from time to time, and it has seemed to have quieted down a lot with the politics.

That’s a good thing. Glad to see the school is going along well. I’m sure it has not been easy for the School Board. Keep up the good work.

Things down here in North Carolina are just wonderful. My sons are doing well in school and sports. My wife still works in the horse industry here and loves it. Me, well, I am selling real estate and loving it. Sales have been good. We pretty much live the same here except we go to church more often and our church family have been great in welcoming us. It has made it easy to adjust. There are many of you that I miss.

I was reading the paper the week of July 30, and the story about the ID checking at the Department of Public Works yard got me thinking about how things have really changed. There was a time in Upper Freehold Township when no matter how bad things got we would never turn anyone away. I understand things are tough, but to go from 90 mph to 10 mph and change the way of people’s lives in these tough times doesn’t seem like the country community I left.

Good luck to you all.

Joe Toscano

former Upper Freehold Planning Board member

Catawba, N.C.