Milltown Rec slates tennis clinic, trips to Broadway

The Milltown Department of Recreation will sponsor several upcoming events and programs open to residents and nonresidents.

Individuals from age 3 to adult are invited to join the six-week Fall Tennis Clinic set to begin Sept. 26. Call the rec office for age groups and prices.

Reservations are being accepted for a bus trip to see the 7 p.m. Sept. 27 performance of “Rock of Ages” on Broadway in New York City. The cost is $100 per person and includes theater ticket (frontmezzanine seating) and bus transportation from Borough Hall.

An excursion to see the 3 p.m. matinee of “Jersey Boys” on Broadway is planned for March 7. The cost is $160 per person, and the fee includes bus transportation and mezzanine seating.

For more information and to reserve, call 732- 828-2100, ext. 141.