Moms support moms in new E.B. area club

Group slates fun, educational activities, service projects


For a long time, it seemed like everyone had their own club except for moms. That’s no longer the case, though, because the East Brunswick Area Moms Club is going strong, building up to more than 60 members after just three years, according to Anita Tsoukalas, who handles public relations for the club. Members come from East Brunswick, Spotswood, Helmetta, Milltown, South River and Monroe.

The Moms Club aims to provide support and activities for stay-at-home moms and also serves as an outlet for their children to get together, Tsoukalas said. The club also participates in service projects to benefit women and children in the community, and throughout this month will be raising awareness of ovarian cancer.

Tsoukalas said the club meets regularly at the East Brunswick Public Library, but for safety purposes does not make the meetings public. Anyone interested in more information or joining can visit the club’s website at The club does hold some open houses for the public, and the locations for those are advertised.

“Basically it’s a club created for stay-athome moms for support,” Tsoukalas said. “We have a calendar full of events at members’ homes or in parks.”

The club’s monthly meetings include guest speakers, with recent examples including Mayor David Stahl and a physician who addressed the group on holistic treatment for postpartum depression.

According to its website, the Moms Club also has playgroups for children; a babysitting co-op where members trade babysitting services for doctor appointments, parents’ night out or other activities; arts and crafts for mothers and children; a book club that meets monthly while the kids play; field trips; a Moms night out once a month; and casual get-togethers.

Prospective members may attend two regular business meetings before they pay their dues, but they may not vote or participate in private activity groups until they have paid. Annual dues are $30.

Tsoukalas said the Moms Club fills a void, offering support for those who have chosen to stay at home while raising their kids. She said it works out very well that the members can get together while their kids play.

“And if anyone needs to talk, we’ll be there,” she said.

The club has grown so much that it will soon have a “sister group.” East Brunswick and South River moms will stay together, while those from the other towns will splinter off into their own group. Tsoukalas said the reason for the split is because smaller groups have a more intimate feel.

This month the club is displaying teal ribbons throughout the town to raise awareness of ovarian cancer. The ribbons will make note of the Kaleidoscope of Hope Foundation, which is dedicated to increasing the survival rate from ovarian cancer, to give hope to women and families affected by the disease, and to raise awareness to overcome the threat of ovarian cancer.

Adrienne McDonald, an East Brunswick resident and member of the club, said she was touched that the group decided to focus on ovarian cancer awareness. McDonald’s mother passed away from the disease in 2005.

McDonald said her mother was a well-respected nurse, but that the symptoms of ovarian cancer are so vague, her disease went undiagnosed until it reached stage 4. The symptoms her mother showed included bloating, a constant feeling of having a full stomach, and weight gain.

“There’s no one test,” McDonald said. “And she was almost misdiagnosed.”

“It was very, very difficult for all of us in the family to take,” she said.

McDonald hopes the service project accomplishes its goal of raising awareness, as she said she does not want to see other families go through what hers experienced.

The Moms Club, she noted, has been an “excellent” source of support.

Other upcoming service events for the Moms Club include an Embrace Kids with Cancer fundraiser and a project for mothers who have dealt with domestic violence.