
Inner Well Being

By Jayashree Ramachandran
World Renowned Yogi Introduces Ancient "Kriya"
For Human Fulfillment
Isha Yoga Teacher Visits Edison to Offer Inner Engineering
Edison, NJ- 09/14/2009: Self-realized yogi and founder of Isha Foundation, Sadhguru, has designed an Isha Yoga program called "Inner Engineering" that will be offered in Edison,NJ.  The class will be offered by a trained Isha Yoga teacher from Oct 14th to Oct 20th  2009 at the Crowne Plaza, 2055 Lincoln Highway, Rt 27 south,Edison. The program runs Weekdays 6:45pm-9:45pm, Saturday 10am to 1pm and on Sunday from 8am to 5pm. Program cost is $290. Discounts are available.  
There is a free introductory talk on the first day of the program, Oct 14th, from 6:45pm to 7:45pm . All are welcome for this introductory session.
Isha Yoga programs are a ‘live’ process—an inner exploration of the very essence of life.   Sadhguru’s Inner Engineering class introduces to the public Shambhavi Maha Mudra, an ancient yogic "kriya" (inner energy process) devised by legendary yogis to attain to an unwavering state of inner calm and precision clarity.
According to Sadhguru, the ancient yogic discipline is largely misunderstood. As Sadhguru explains it, the types of yoga we are now so familiar with in the West are each just a small part of an extensive science gleaned from thousands of years of rigorous inner observation. In fact, the asanas, or physical postures of yoga, were traditionally just a preparatory practice for subtler, more potent techniques. These more potent techniques impart a deep understanding of one’s own body, mind and emotions and confer keen perception and control over even the subtlest aspects of one’s own life, including the complex energy system of the human form.   This discrete mastery gives a self-realized yogi a moment-to-moment conscious choice of his inner experience of life. 
“Everything you go through is just a certain expression of your energy,” Sadhguru explained in a recent talk. “Right now you’re angry—it’s a certain expression of your energy. You’re happy—it’s another expression of your energy. You’re loving— it’s another expression of the same energy. If you have some mastery over your own energies…you will see, you will naturally become a joyous being because now your energies find a conscious expression.”
Sadhguru’s Inner Engineering class features interactive discussion, meditation, and a balanced set of simple, but powerful yoga practices. (No agility or prior experience with yoga or meditation is needed to participate.) Through the Inner Engineering program, Sadhguru introduces to the public for the first time Shambhavi Maha Mudra, an ancient yogic “kriya” (inner energy process) devised by legendary yogis to attain to an unwavering state of inner calm and precision clarity. Together the program and practice create a foundation of total wellbeing allowing one to tap the wealth of vibrant life within.
Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev is a yogi and mystic with profound mastery of the ancient science of yoga. He is one of few yogis capable of transmitting the subtlest aspects of yoga, enabling every person to explore and experience the deepest dimensions of life. He is a visionary and humanitarian who works with the world’s foremost social, economic, and political leaders to engender a more peaceful and prosperous global community. At his home in southern India, Sadhguru oversees Isha Foundation, an entirely volunteer-run, nonprofit service organization dedicated to cultivating human potential through yogic science. 
Set in the lush rainforest at the base of the Velliangiri Mountains, Isha Foundation operates Isha Yoga Center, which includes an ashram, program facility, Dhyanalinga (a powerful meditation shrine), Isha Rejuvenation Wellness Center, and the headquarters for three large-scale human service projects. These projects include: Action for Rural Rejuvenation (www.ruralrejuvenation.org), a program for health and human upliftment serving 2,500 destitute villages in rural southern India; Isha Vidhya (www.ishavidhya.org), a rural education program establishing 206 computer-based schools by 2014 for children in grades k-12; and Project Green Hands (www.projectgreenhands.org), a ten-year reforestation initiative kicked-off in October 2006 with the Guinness Record mass plantation of 852,587 indigenous varieties of trees across 57 districts in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, India.
Toll free nationwide, call 1-866-424-ISHA (4742). To register online visit www.ishayoga.org. For more detailed news and information on Sadhguru and Isha Foundation, Inc. visit www.ishafoundation.org