Green Music Festival to benefit ailing man

Food, fun and music featuring the Mango Brothers, Crazy Lester and the Lestones, Frank Fotusky, Paul Unkert, Stone Blue, Nick Chili and The Beans, and more will be featured in the Green Music Festival at Silverton Farm, 1520 Silverton Road, Toms River, Sept. 26 from 1 p.m. to dusk (rain date Sept. 27). The event will include farm tours, organic produce, children’s activities, food and nonalcoholic refreshments, a silent auction, chair massage and reiki, T-shirt and awareness bracelet sales.

Proceeds will benefit Jack Spelman, who was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor. There is a suggested donation of $10. All proceeds will go to Team Jack, a family’s fight against glioblastoma, the most aggressive form of brain cancer. Visit to read Jack’s story. Details: 732-281-8494.