Jackson public official showed compassion to township resident

Iwould like to tell you about the real Mike Kafton. Several years ago a gentleman, very well known in Jackson, aligned himself with Mike’s political adversaries and was very vocal against Mike, sometimes getting personal and vicious.

Shortly after the election this gentleman found himself on very hard times. His home was being taken away from him, he had no money and his mother was dying in a nursing home. The political adversaries who he so strongly supported wanted nothing to do with him.

Mike Kafton not only donated money and supermarket gift cards to him, but he reached out to others to do the same. That Christmas, when this gentleman was distraught that he could not even afford to give his mother a gift, it was Mike Kafton who went out and bought her a gift so that the man could have something to give his mother.

It sickens me to see people attacking Mike Kafton personally when they have no idea what he really is like, but that seems to be how it always is around election time.

Mike’s opponents waste precious time attacking him personally instead of focusing on the issues that are important to Jackson residents.

Mike has always put his effort into discussing the issues, not attacking his opponents. But I guess when you have accomplished as much as Mike Kafton, you don’t need to go on the attack. It’s too bad we have to hear about all this silliness when there are so many important issues out there. Good for you, Mike Kafton.

Kay Dolan
