Investigate facts about health care reform, Medicare

Fixing our broken health care system is far too important to be derailed by myths and scare tactics perpetuated by special interest groups trying to block progress on health care reform.

You may have heard the outrageous claim that health care reform will get rid of Medicare. In fact, for people in Medicare, health care reform will protect your choice of doctor, keep your premiums fair, hold down your health care and prescription drug costs, eliminate waste, fraud and abuse, and improve the care you receive.

We cannot afford the status quo. If we do nothing to fix health care, people in Medicare will see their prescription drug costs continue to skyrocket, finding a doctor could become increasingly difficult and fraud and wasteful spending will continue to drive up health care costs and cause poor care.

So here’s the choice we have: buying into dangerous and costly myths about Medicare that will leave millions without the medications or treatments they need, or fixing what’s broken. Throughout this debate, AARP pledges to help you find the facts about what health care reform means for you and your families. To get the facts about health care reform, and learn about the latest myths and scare tactics, go to site/PageNavigator/Myths_vs_Facts.

Dave Mollen AARP volunteer
