Striking a balance

George Fisher, committeeman-elect, West Amwell Township
    I would like to thank all who supported me in my campaign for the West Amwell Township Committee. It is almost impossible to run an effective campaign alone, even in a township as small as West Amwell. I could not have done it without the help of many friends and neighbors. I thank you all and will do my best to live up to your expectations.
   The elections are over and it’s time to take stock of our township and where we want to go. There is much work to be done and I invite everyone inclined to get involved to make his/her feelings known.
   The landowner lawsuit will either be settled or litigated in the next few months.
   Our Master Plan is being reviewed and your input is welcome.
   Your local government will be reorganized with the start of the new year and there will plenty of committees and boards that will need to be staffed.
   As with any election there are winners and losers. It’s time to embrace those positions on which we agree and work to close the gap on positions where we disagree. We all want the best for our township, our communities and our families.
   It is time to work together for the common good of the township without tramping on individual rights and freedoms. These goals are difficult to coexist, but we must constantly strive to strike that perfect balance.
   I look forward to working with Tom Molnar and Frank Masterson on the committee.
   I will work to keep your local government efficient, inclusive and open.