Grateful to all who made event successful

On Saturday, Nov. 14, the Rotary Club of South River- East Brunswick, in conjunction with Pedals for Progress, held a bicycle and sewingmachine collection at East Brunswick High School.

We are happy to say that we collected 49 bicycles, five sewing machines and funds that will help ship them to Nicaragua.

The purpose of this project is to improve the lives of people in countrieswhere an infrastructure for business and transportation is lacking. Bicycles can open up greater opportunities for people who have no means of transportation other than their feet, therefore allowing them to better provide for themselves and their families. Providing sewing machines and teaching people how to use them allows those individuals to learn a trade that can provide income and make a better life for them.

On a questionable weather day, we were pleased to see members of our community come out and participate in this project. In one case, an 80-year-old woman drove from the Somerset section of Franklin with a bicycle and sewing machine to donate.

Thanks to all those in our community who participated and got the word out to make this project a great success.
Joseph Xerri
South River-East Brunswick
Rotary Club