A dollar a day to help Millstone Twp. schools

MILLSTONE — A new campaign asks residents to spend a dollar a day to help improve the Millstone Township School District.

The Millstone Township Foundation for Educational Excellence (MTFEE), a nonprofit organization devoted to funding educational experiences for Millstone’s public school students, has launched the “180 Day Campaign,” which asks for contributions of $1 for each of the 180 days of school.

The organization’s goal is to raise at least $50,000 with the campaign.

Families who contribute will have their name displayed on an acorn that will be hung on the MTFEE oak tree murals displayed in the lobbies of the primary, elementary and middle schools.

The MTFEE provides grant funding for classroom programs, educational opportunities, staff development and state-of-theart teaching materials that are beyond the scope of the general school budget. MTFEE operates independently from the school district and replenishes its grant fund through private donations and fundraising efforts. The foundation has awarded more than $370,000 in grants to Millstone Township schools since 2002. Grants have been awarded at every grade level and in every discipline.

The new MTFEE executive board consists of President Paula Kinsey, Vice President Christine Alves, Treasurer Diane Obusek, Recording Secretary Janice Weiss, Corresponding Secretary Carol Presutto and Information Officer Nicole Pyhel.

For more information about the “180 Day Campaign” or the MTFEE, email [email protected] or visit www.mtfee.org.