Tax impact of school vote detailed by Jackson board

Residents will be asked to approve 4 proposals in Jan. 26 election


The Jackson Board of Education has released information regarding the tax impact to property owners of four referendum questions that will be put to a public vote on Jan. 26.

The four questions propose improvements and upgrades throughout the Jackson School District. Any one of the four questions can be approved independently of the results of the other questions that appear on the ballot.

Polls will be open in Jackson from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Jan. 26.

Administrators said the district is guaranteed 40 percent debt service aid for eligible portions of the projects listed.

If all four questions are approved by voters, the total cost of the projects will amount to $29,458,980, which is the amount of bonds to be issued.

The total final eligible costs of all four bond proposals, approved by the state commissioner of education, are $28,858,980, which is the amount entitled to a 40 percent debt service aid.

In addition to the debt service aid from New Jersey, the cost for bond proposal No. 1 (a solar energy project) will be offset by the sale of Solar Renewable Energy Certificates and a reduction in electricity costs, according to district administrators.

The bond proposals as described by the board and the tax impact of each question are as follows:

• Bond proposal No. 1 describes the school district’s solar energy project.

The Board of Education is authorized to undertake the acquisition and installation of solar panels, including any necessary roof repairs, electrical system upgrades, and related work at Jackson Memorial High School; to appropriate $7,043,750; and to issue bonds of the school district in the amount of $7,943,750.

The final costs approved by the state commissioner of education are $7,043,750. The state’s debt service aid percentage will equal 40 percent of the annual debt service due on the final eligible costs of the project.

According to information provided by the board, the school district’s share of this project will be $1,732,175. If this question is approved, the cost to the owner of a home assessed at the township average of $332,800 for this project will be 25 cents per month ($3 per year).

• Bond proposal No. 2 describes the upgrades at several township schools.

The Board of Education is authorized to undertake various improvements, renovations, information technology upgrades and security system upgrades to Jackson Memorial High School and security system upgrades to Jackson Liberty High School, McAuliffe Middle School, Goetz Middle School, Crawford-Rodriguez Elementary School, Rosenauer Elementary School, Holman Elementary School, Switlik Elementary School, Johnson Elementary School and Elms Elementary School; to undertake the related site work and acquire the necessary equipment for such improvements; to appropriate $11,925,000; and to issue bonds of the school district in the amount of $11,925,000.

The state’s debt service aid percentage will equal 40 percent of the annual debt service due on the projects’ final eligible costs.

According to information provided by the board, the school district’s share of this project will be $7,155,000. If this question is approved, the cost to the owner of a home assessed at the township average of $332,800 for this project will be $1.33 per month ($15.96 per year).

• Bond proposal No. 3 is for the replacement of the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems at Jackson Memorial High School.

The Board of Education is authorized to replace the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems and any related work at Jackson Memorial High School; to appropriate $6,700,000; and to issue bonds of the school district in the amount of $6,700,000. The Board of Education is authorized to transfer its unexpended bond proceeds between the approved bond proposals.

The final eligible costs approved by the Commissioner of Education are $6,700,000. The state debt service aid percentage will equal 40 percent of the annual debt service on the final eligible costs of the project.

According to the school board, the school district’s share of this project will be $4,020,000. If this question is approved, the cost to the owner of a home assessed at the township average of $332,800 for this project will be 75 cents per month ($9 per year).

• Bond proposal No. 4 is to install an irrigation system at Jackson Liberty High School.

The Board of Education is authorized to install an irrigation system, including any related work at Jackson Liberty High School; to appropriate $3,790,230; and to issue bonds of the school district in the amount of $3,790,230. The Board of Education is authorized to transfer its unexpended bond proceeds between the approved bond proposals.

The final eligible costs approved by the state Commissioner of Education are $3,790,230. The state debt service aid percentage will equal 40 percent of the annual debt service due on the final eligible costs of the project.

According to information provided by the board, the school district’s share of this project will be $2,274,000. If this question is approved, the cost to the owner of a home assessed at the township average of $332,800 for this project will be 42 cents per month ($5.04 per year).

If all four questions are approved, the impact on a homeowner’s school taxes will be an increase of $2.75 per month ($33 per year), according to the information provided by the board.

The figure of $332,800 used by the school board to calculate the impact of the referendumquestions on taxes is the average assessment of a home in Jackson.

Some homes in the community are assessed at a lower value and some homes are assessed at a higher value. The cost to a homeowner of the referendum questions could be more or less than cited by the board depending on the assessment of a particular home.