Prostate cancer support group meets

FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP — The CentraState prostate cancer support group provides education and support for men who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Sponsored by the CentraState Healthcare System and the American Cancer Society, the group meets from 7-9 p.m. on the fourth Monday of each month at the Health Awareness Center in the Star and Barry Tobias Ambulatory Campus at CentraState Medical Center, 901 W. Main St.

For the past decade of its existence the CentraState prostate cancer support group (one of many man-to-man support groups sponsored by the American Cancer Society) has provided invaluable assistance to scores of men and their families, according to a press release.

Prostate cancer is currently the most common form of cancer diagnosed in American men, with more than 200,000 new cases diagnosed annually. Receiving the diagnosis of prostate cancer is a very stressful event; particularly coming at a time when it is necessary to learn about the available treatment options and determining which is best for the individual.

Family members, particularly wives, have a stake in the proceedings and should be an important part of the educational and decision process, according to the press release. In addition, a support group is a place to ask other men and women how they dealt with the news, which treatment they decided on, and what side effects they experienced.

The monthly support group meetings, which are open to patients and their families, provide not only a sounding board for monitoring the progress of the cancer, treatment and adverse effects, but also feature regular educational updates from the field of prostate cancer studies which are of practical value to all, according to the press release.

For further information, call the Health Awareness Center at 732-308-0570.