HIGHTSTOWN: Borough names changes in trash collection

By Matt Chiappardi, Staff Writer
   HIGHTSTOWN — Starting next week, certain residents who have their trash picked up Tuesdays and Wednesdays will have their collection days moved.
   And every resident who wants to have a bulk or large metal item removed now will have to pay $5 for each item to have the Public Works Department haul it away.
   Moreover, the borough now has a program that allows residents to dispose of old computer components through Goodwill Industries.
   That’s the word from Public Works Superintendent Larry Blake.
   Starting Tuesday, residents on the following streets will have their trash pickup moved from Tuesdays to Fridays: Broad Street, Clinton Avenue, Cole Avenue, East Ward Street, Farr Avenue, Franklin Street, Manlove Avenue, Maxwell Avenue, Monmouth Street, North Main Street, Vanrensaler Avenue, Ward Street, West Ward Street and William Street.
   Also starting Tuesday, residents on the following streets will have their trash collection moved from Wednesdays to Tuesdays: Bank Street, Chamberlin Avenue, Glenbrook Place, Grant Avenue, Greeley Street, Hagemount Avenue, Hutchinson Street, Lincoln Avenue, Maple Avenue, Mechanic Street, Oak Lane, Park Avenue, Parkway, Purdy Street, Reed Street, Rev. William Powell Drive, Rocky Brook Court and Sunset Avenue.
   Part of the reason for the change is the borough will begin its three-year deal to collect nearby Roosevelt’s trash Wednesday.
   But Mr. Blake said he was considering making these changes anyway because he said he feels it will help the department run more efficiently.
   As for bulk and large metal items such as refrigerators and washing machines, any resident wishing to dispose of these now must buy a $5 sticker from the borough in order to have the item taken away.
   As has been state law, any item with Freon in it must have the substance removed before it can be picked up, and refrigerators must have the doors removed, Mr. Blake said.
   In addition, any carpeting residents wish to throw away must be cut into 36-inch pieces and rolled and tied into bundles no heavier than 45 pounds, he added.
   The days for the large-item pickup will remain the same — the first Monday of the month for metal items and the last Monday of the month for other bulk items — and Mr. Blake said the stickers will be available in the borough clerk’s office starting Wednesday.
   ”Monday is going to be a freebie for the metal items, but after that, you need the stickers,” he said.
   Also, residents now can easily dispose of unwanted or broken computer components.
   The Public Works Department will accept the parts weekdays during normal business hours and donate them to Goodwill Industries, a nonprofit organization that provides job training and employment placement services.
   The components can be in any condition, and the donations are tax deductible, Mr. Blake said.
   Anyone with additional questions is asked to call Public Works at 490-5115.