Touched by support for homeless animals, pets

Our Holiday Homeless Pet Drive, which ran from October to Dec. 10 and collected food, toys, treats, crates, blankets, etc., for the Popcorn Park Zoo/Associated Humane Society in the Forked River section of Lacey, was truly heartwarming. Some days, it literally brought tears to my eyes.

Our clients, friends, animal lovers and readers of local newspapers contributed so generously. My home served as the drop-off site, and every day there were donations on the front steps. We also had a long list of pickups once weekly. We had calls from people who wanted to volunteer their time and vehicles. Animal lovers donated everything you can imagine, even handmade blankets. We had items for dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, horses and even the zoo’s wildlife. In the end, we collected $130 and a 10-foot truck full of wonderful donations.

In the spirit of the holiday season, I truly experienced the amazing joy of giving. Even in these tough times, such generous people had really brightened the lives of many homeless pets and animals. Words cannot express my sincere gratitude.

I wish to truly thank everyone who made our drive such a huge success. A big thanks goes to UHaul of East Brunswick for donating the much-needed truck. Also, special thanks to Monroe Animal Hospital and its clients for supporting our cause.

This was Whisker Away Pet Sitting’s first holiday drive, and our goal was to fill two or three cars with donations — we met that goal in the first three weeks. We never expected such an amazing outcome. We look forward to our second Holiday Homeless Pet Drive in October and set our sights on a much bigger truck.

Thanks to all, and have a happy new year.

Teresa Herrera Whisker Away Pet Sitting
