Committee reduces fire tax

PLUMSTED — The Township Committee reduced the amount of property taxes to be collected in the 2010 fire district budget following a public hearing at its March 3 meeting. In the annual vote on the fire district budget, voters rejected a proposed one-half cent increase on the fire tax rate amounting to $62,647.

Mayor Ron Dancer said the committee reduced the proposed increase of $62,647 to $57,647, a decrease of $5,000. The new fire tax rate will be slightly less than one-half cent per $100 of assessed valuation.

Dancer said Township Committeeman Eric Sorchik, the liaison to public safety services, met with representatives of the fire commission to reach a mutual agreement for both the amount of fire taxes to be reduced and the respective budget line items.

In other news, Plumsted’s Senior Outreach Services (SOS) is offering “Mind Aerobics Classes” for 10 consecutive Fridays beginning on March 26 for one hour from 10- 11 a.m. Participants will receive information about the mind aging process and learn practice techniques to improve memory. There is no charge for the sessions, but class size is limited and preregistration is suggested.

The senior citizen meeting and activities room is on the lower level of the municipal building, Evergreen Road. For more information, call 609-758-2241, ext. 111.

Dancer said Plumsted’s website is becoming more interactive with a feature to make payments online to the municipal court.

And, the Township Committee has appointed Mark Reme to the Planning/Land Use Board. Dancer said Reme is a New Jersey licensed professional engineer and planner with 15 years of experience in the land development field.

Reme continues to serve as a member of Plumsted’s Green Technology Advisory Board and the Environmental Commission.