Millstone aims to distend drug-free zone

Ordinance would help generate increased penalties for persons using drugs near public property

BY JANE MEGGITT Correspondent

Millstone Township will not only have a drug-free school zone like most municipalities in the state, but a drug-free public property zone if two new ordinances pass.

The Township Committee introduced the ordinances at the March 3 meeting. A public hearing is scheduled for March 17.

The first ordinance, concerning the drug-free school zone, amends the current ordinance that was written in 1988 and updated in 1996. The new drug-free school zone map would include all locations in the township used for school purposes, owned or leased to any elementary or secondary school or school board, and located within 1,000 feet of those properties.

Deputy Mayor Bob Kinsey, who ran the meeting in the absence of Mayor Nancy Grbelja, said that the number of drug-free school zone areas is increasing due to the additional day-care centers in the township.

The second ordinance includes a drugfree public property zone map produced by the township engineer to designate areas used for public purposes in Millstone. The map also identifies areas within 500 feet of public properties.

The ordinance states, “It is understood that the map was prepared and is intended to be used as evidence in prosecutions arising under the criminal laws of this state.”

The ordinance provides for the prosecution of persons using drugs within 500 feet of public property, which includes parks, trails and public buildings.

Committeeman Gary Dorfman said the ordinances make clear to anyone who would consider such behavior that the township has made the penalties as strong as possible.

The ordinances were introduced in a 3-0 vote. Committeeman Michael Kuczinski was unable to attend the meeting due to a death in his family.