Teacher will be sentenced in May

COLTS NECK — A former social studies teacher at Colts Neck High School faces a sentence of noncustodial probation and forfeiture of future public office stemming from a theft by deception scheme.

Megan Laboy was charged with pocketing money from her students that the students believed would be donated to various charities. Laboy allegedly told the students they would receive extra credit points on final grades and exams in exchange for the charitable contributions.

The money that was collected by the teacher was never turned over to any charity, Colts Neck police reported in August 2009.

During a recent hearing before state Superior Court Judge Anthony J. Mellaci Jr., sitting in Freehold, Laboy pleaded guilty to one count of fourth-degree theft by deception. She admitted to the crime during the hearing.

As a result of her guilty plea, the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office will ask for Laboy to be sentenced to a noncustodial term of probation and seek forfeiture of any future public office. Her sentencing is scheduled for May 14.

Monmouth County First Assistant Prosecutor Peter E. Warshaw Jr. said that the forfeiture of public office would include public employment.

Laboy had been employed by the Freehold Regional High School District, but she resigned from her position in May 2009 for personal reasons, according to a Board of Education agenda.

According to public information posted online, Laboy has a bachelor’s degree, six years’ teaching experience and her salary for the 2008-09 school year was $65,195.