Jackson Regular Republican Club endorses Reina, Martin, Updegrave

JACKSON — The Jackson Township Regular Republican Club has announced its endorsements for mayor and Township Council in the May municipal election.

According to a press release, the club is supporting Mayor Mike Reina and current council members Scott Martin and Ann Updegrave in their bids for re-election.

Club President Carol Blake said, “I am so thrilled that the club has chosen to support candidates who are so committed to always doing the right thing for Jackson. That is the kind of leadership we need in town hall.”

According to the press release, Reina, having won a four-way special election for mayor a few months ago, has shown he is more than capable of meeting the needs of a vast, diverse and growing town.

“It is my belief that practical experience and commitment to the residents equal positive results,” Reina said. “In the brief time that I have served the people of Jackson, I have found that there are learning opportunities every day. I use that new knowledge and apply a hands-on approach with our residents. Leading by example and not worrying about my getting hands dirty has made it much easier to move Jackson where it needs to be.”

When asked what the endorsement of Jackson’s Republican Organization meant to him, Reina said, “It shows that if you work hard for Jackson, Jackson will work hard for you. I’m here to represent all residents, but it gives me great satisfaction to know that a solidly conservative organization will stand with me to do what is best for all of our neighbors.”

According to the press release, Martin has worked tirelessly on behalf of the community to assure all residents have their voices heard.

The GOP club said Martin has championed numerous causes, which have had real affects on people’s lives.

“It is my experience as a member of the council that no cause is too small to have its say,” Martin said. “That is a principle this country was founded on and we should be committed to nurturing an open dialogue, where all opinions are respectfully considered, in Jackson.”

Martin said he is proud to have received the endorsement of the local Republican Club.

“It is an honor to be supported by an organization that has such deep roots in the community. I hope that I can continue to serve my neighbors and do what is best for everyone living in Jackson,” he said.

According to the press release, Updegrave has committed an endless number of hours answering the concerns of residents and keeping a finger on the pulse of an evergrowing township.

She said, “I have continually proposed balanced decision-making policies and procedures that would benefit the whole of Jackson. The most important thing is that we do what is best for the residents and their wallets; our job is to watch their bottom line.”

The GOP club said Updegrave has fostered and pushed for more budgetary accountability.

“That is why I am proud to be supported by an organization like the Republican Club, that puts a commitment to fiscal responsibility and the experience of proper budgetary practices in such high regard. It is a good feeling to know that Jackson is finally on the right track financially,” Updegrave said.

The winners in the May municipal election will begin their terms on July 1. The mayor’s term is four years and the two council terms will also be four years.