Temporary freeze

Barbara Rovnyak, Hopewell Borough
    The news on the economy lately has not been very encouraging. However, I remain optimistic in our future because of the children. They are very bright and talented with lots of work ethic, and so they have much to contribute. So much more is offered in the school system today than when my children were in school (graduated in the 1980s).
   Yes, schools of today are so much more sophisticated and, thus, require more employees, i.e. teachers, administrators and support groups. I think, confidently, that the school board has reviewed its options very carefully in the realization of operating with less money and a declining enrollment.
   If I might add my thoughts, they would be to ask for a temporary freeze on wages. This should start with a decrease or freeze on administrator’s salaries. Adjusting administrator’s salaries first would set a good example for other employees to follow suit. This action may also alleviate further layoffs.
   We should all do what is best for the children, affording them the same opportunity of a bright future that was given to each of us in our time.