Jackson groups getting set for town’s spring cleanup

JACKSON — More than 40 organizations will have their members rolling up their sleeves and hauling away trash during Jackson’s spring cleanup on April 24.

“The Clean Communities program has progressively become more successful each year since we began the cleanups in 2007,” said coordinator Patricia Wood. “The participation and interest by our local nonprofit organizations is second to none.”

Wood said the Clean Communities grant guidelines require Jackson to sponsor two cleanups per year.

As part of the effort, each participating organization adopts a road and is responsible for cleaning its 1-mile stretch of the road once a month for three months, she said.

Since 2005, Jackson’s participation in the Clean Communities program has returned $328,000 in grant money to the township.

It is expected that more than 700 participants will be taking part in the spring cleanup this week. Two additional cleanups are expected to follow in May and in June.

“Cleaner-uppers” are expected to meet at the Melvin Cottrell Center for Senior Citizens and the Disabled, Don Connor Boulevard, on the morning of April 24 for a kickoff breakfast. The participants will earn $300 for their nonprofit organization, Wood said.

To date, the participating groups include Boy Scout Troop 2, Jackson Memorial High School Football Parents, Chaos Soccer, Eco-action Club of Jackson Memorial High School, Cub Scout Pack 28, Junior Pee Wee Cheer, Girl Scout Troop 146, Johnson School PTO, Jackson Lions Club.

And, the Jackson Women of Today, Cornerstone Presbyterian Church, Cub Scout Pack 34, Boy Scout Troop 204, Jackson Memorial High School Marching Band, Boy Scout Troop 82 and Boy Scout Troop 82 Venture Group, Jackson Lighting, Knights of Columbus No. 11529, Jackson Memorial High School Boys Soccer, Tip- TapToe Dancers (will participate, but will not receive money).

Also participating will be Cub Scout Pack 104, Jackson Methodist Church, Green Thumb Garden Club, St. Monica’s Youth Group, Jersey Shore Girl Scout Troop 217, Unity Deliverance Ministry, Kiwanis Club, Key Club Liberty, MOMS Club-West, Jackson Venojn Soccer, Jackson Cub Scout Pack 204, Jackson Pop Warner Cheer, Girl Scout Troop 50160, Optimist Club and Optimist Club Buddies, Ministries of the Deaf, Girl Scout Troop 153, Jackson Liberty High School Band Parents, Girl Scouts-Sassafras, and the Democratic Club.

— Dave Benjamin