Get counted, census forms at post office

The census forms may have gotten to Roosevelt later than any other New Jersey town, but they’re finally there.

Roosevelt residents, who were not mailed census forms because the U.S. Census Bureau would not send them to post office boxes in the initial mailing, may now pick them up from a container in the lobby of the post office. Residents may either fill out the form and mail it to the bureau or look over the 10 questions and call the phone number at the bottom of the form to take the questionnaire.

Those who would prefer an alternative way to take the census or who need help filling out the form can visit the local questionnaire assistance center at the Millstone Township Senior Center at 463 Stagecoach Road. The hours of operation are 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday to Friday.

Residents also continue to have the option of waiting to take the census until an enumerator visits their home in May or June. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, it costs taxpayers $25 to send an enumerator door to door to collect census information.

“For every one percentage point increase in the national participation rate by mail, taxpayers can help the Census Bureau save about $85 million in operational costs,” the bureau’s website states.

Enumerators will start on May 1 to visit the homes of those who have not responded to the census.

According to Monica Davis, media specialist for the Philadelphia Region Census Center, filling out the census helps the federal government allocate more than $400 billion to communities, because the Census Bureau uses the information to produce statistics for central and local governments, health authorities and other organizations to target resources effectively.

“Everyone should be counted so they can get their fair share,” Davis said.

Census data also determines the number of New Jersey congressional seats, as well as the number of members who can serve on local committees and councils.

Schools use census data to plan for providing services for projected enrollments. Private companies, students and others can also look at the statistics to find trends in their areas of interest, according to the Census Bureau.

Title 13 of the U.S. Code protects the confidentiality of all census information. By law, the Census Bureau cannot disclose names, addresses, GPS coordinates, Social Security numbers or phone numbers. Answers cannot be used against residents or viewed by any government agency or court.

For more information, visit or call 732-333-9680.

—Jennifer Kohlhepp