Track camp to get under way

BY MATTHEW ROCCO Correspondent

JACKSON — The Jackson Track Club is ready to host its third annual summer camp.

While talking with Jenn Leahy, the head coach of the girls track and field team at Jackson Liberty High School, Brian Eberhart realized that Jackson needed its own track club.

“We had clubs for everything else, so I thought it was a good idea,” said Eberhart, who founded the Jackson Track Club as a way for young athletes to improve on their skills while having fun. “It all depends on what they want to get out of it.”

Instructors with the Jackson Track Club are high school track and field coaches, but the club attracts athletes of all levels.

The summer track and field camp gives athletes a chance to try different events, Eberhart said.

“During the season, [athletes] are sort of locked in” to the events in which they regularly participate, he said. “The summer is a good time to try new events.”

The Jackson Track Club’s summer camp will run from July 6 through Aug. 26. Workouts will be held 6-7:30 p.m. every Tuesday at Jackson Liberty High School and 6-7:30 p.m. every Thursday at Jackson Memorial High School.

Athletes between the ages of 10 and 18 are welcome to participate. Those who are interested and would like to register may contact Brian Eberhart by email at [email protected] or visit the website at