Aunt inspires nieces to help kids with cancer

Ireland (l) and Haley Kosco, of Upper Freehold Township, recently donated 15 inches and 12 inches of hair, respectively, to Wigs for Kids. Ireland (l) and Haley Kosco, of Upper Freehold Township, recently donated 15 inches and 12 inches of hair, respectively, to Wigs for Kids. UPPER FREEHOLD — Ireland and Haley Kosco, of Cream Ridge, did not have their hair cut in two years.

Having decided to grow their hair to support children affected by cancer, the two sisters strengthened their determination when their aunt, Debbie Kosco, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in October 2008, according to their mom, Donna Kosco.

“After watching their aunt lose her hair and wear a wig for a short time, the girls saw firsthand how their efforts could help others,” Kosco said. “They really felt they wanted to make a difference in their own small way.”

Ireland and Haley donated their hair, 15 inches and 12 inches, respectively, to Wigs for Kids on June 2, which would have been their aunt’s 56th birthday. Wigs for Kids is a nonprofit organization that provides hair-replacement solutions for children affected by chemotherapy, alopecia, burns and other medical conditions. The organization provides hair-replacement systems to children at no cost to them, which is why Ireland and Haley chose to donate to this organization.

Both girls just completed the fourth grade.

Haley said she feels proud about donating her hair.

“If someone with cancer is embarrassed about losing their hair, they can now at least have hair that is donated by someone who cares,” she said.

Donna and her husband, Andy Kosco, said the experience has been overwhelmingly positive and rewarding for their daughters.

“Not only are they helping out other children who are in need, but they are honoring and remembering their aunt who was such a dominant person in their lives,” Donna said.