‘Charter and Early Members’ show celebrates guild’s 50 years

The Guild of Creative Art, 620 Broad St., Shrewsbury, is celebrating its 50th anniversary with a special exhibit honoring its founders and early members.

Portrait of founder Yvonne Aubert by Roberta Carter Clark Portrait of founder Yvonne Aubert by Roberta Carter Clark Many of the 49 exhibitors in the guild’s “Charter and Early Members” show have received regional and national awards; some have earned national recognition. This show provides a rare opportunity to view work by these influential and distinguished artists and to purchase art from their private collections.

The charter members or their work honored include: Yvonne Aubert, Virginia Hammond, Clara Gee and Stanley Stamaty, Betty Curtis, Fran and Doug McIlvain, Marjorie Alexander, Agnes Ricks Egan, and Anne and Nobie Kobayashi.

Early members included in the show are: Roberta Carter Clark, Nick Caivano, Mary Sheean and Evelyn Leavens.

Of unique interest are several husband/ wife pairs: the Stamatys, McIlvains and Kobayashis, and mother/daughter participants Jean Watson Parmly, at 95 the guild’s oldest member, and Suzanne Parmly, as well as Agnes Ricks Egan and Laury Egan.

Beginning in 1960 in a modified garage, Yvonne Aubert and a group of artists banded together to form an arts cooperative offering exhibition space, a studio for classes and a communal meeting area. The guild is now the largest and oldest nonprofit arts organization in New Jersey, offering monthly exhibits and instruction for all age groups.

The show will run through Aug. 25. Hours are Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Thursday to 7 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Sunday 1-4 p.m.