Don’t cut Social Security to reduce deficit

Some politicians in Washington, D.C., are still discussing cutting the Social Security benefits we have earned in order to reduce the federal budget deficit.

Social Security did not cause the deficit, and the contributions we have made over our lifetimes must be protected, not reduced.

Millions of senior citizens, widows and widowers, and those living with disabilities all depend on Social Security each and every month.

We must continue to keep our future financial security strong, and part of this effort must include strengthening and protecting Social Security.

As an AARP volunteer, I have spoken publicly about how, when I was just 37, my husband died in an accident and I was left with no income and three small children to raise on my own.

Without that steady, dependable income from Social Security, I honestly do not know what we would have done. Now my children are grown and I am a grandmother and a great-grandmother.

I will forever be grateful to Social Security, a true lifeline in a time of great need for my family.

Claire Edelman Monroe Township