
Plumsted Mayor Ron Dancer and his fellow members of the Township Committee invited Cub Scouts from Cub Pack 9, Dens 2 and 5 to take over the roles of Township Committee members at a recent meeting. The Cub Scouts sat at the dais and learned how their local government operates. Each group had a chance to run the meeting, moving, seconding and debating resolutions, according to information provided by the Township Committee. PHOTO COURTESY OF PLUMSTED TOWNSHIP Plumsted Mayor Ron Dancer and his fellow members of the Township Committee invited Cub Scouts from Cub Pack 9, Dens 2 and 5 to take over the roles of Township Committee members at a recent meeting. The Cub Scouts sat at the dais and learned how their local government operates. Each group had a chance to run the meeting, moving, seconding and debating resolutions, according to information provided by the Township Committee. PHOTO COURTESY OF PLUMSTED TOWNSHIP