Howell may consider dress code for students

Staff Writer

HOWELL — Superintendent of Schools Enid Golden said the initial reaction to her mention of the possibility of implementing clothing guidelines for pupils in the Howell K-8 School District was favorable.

Golden raised the subject at a recent meeting of the Howell Board of Education’s community relations committee.

She said a small group of residents who were in attendance that evening had a favorable response to the idea of requiring students to dress in a similar fashion.

“Obviously,” Golden said in an interview with Greater Media Newspapers on Nov. 24, “there are pros and cons.”

She said all aspects surrounding the issue of student dress will be explored, including soliciting input from parents, before any decision is made.

The superintendent said she had been discussing the topic of dress codes and school uniforms with someone from the Jersey City School District, which has a school uniform policy. Golden said that person indicated the policy was working in Jersey City.

“But of course, Howell is a different community,” she said.

The superintendent drew a distinction between a dress code and school uniforms.

Golden described a dress code as students wearing similar clothes (i.e., khaki pants and dark shirts) to school. A school uniform would also see students dress in a similar manner, but could include a Howell school district logo on each outfit.

She said it is possible that not every school in the district would be subject to such a dress code.

The superintendent reiterated that no decision about this matter has been made at any administrative level in Howell.

Golden said community involvement will be necessary in order to make any decision about this issue.

Information posted on the Howell K-8 School District’s Internet website indicates there is an existing dress policy, which states, “Students are expected to keep themselves clean and neat at all times. School regulations prohibit gross carelessness in attire or personal grooming. Parents and guardians are requested to ensure that children are groomed properly and that clothing and footwear are suitable for school activities.

“When we experience above-average temperatures, monitor your child(ren)’s school attire to make sure he/she wears light and loosely fitted clothing. The full cooperation of parents/guardians in this matter will be most helpful in training children to be made aware of the importance of personal appearance.”

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