Food Pantry changes donation day in Dec.

JACKSON — The Jackson Women of Today have announced that the Jackson Food Pantry, which is usually open from 9- 11 a.m. on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month to receive donations from the community, will only be open one day, Dec. 11, during December due to the upcoming Christmas holiday.

Those who bring in donations will also be welcome to receive a tour of the food pantry. Volunteers may also help with cleaning, sorting and stocking shelves on distribution days. Special arrangements must be made for food drives.

Changes have been made to the distribution days as well, due to the holiday. Food will be distributed to clients who are disabled or over the age of 60 on Dec. 15, 5- 6:30 p.m. This distribution is for these clients only — no exceptions.

The regular distribution for all clients will be Dec. 16, 5-7 p.m.

Every person age 18 and older receiving food must physically come in, show photo identification, income verification and sign the government intake form.

A piece of U.S. mail addressed to each person 18 and older must be provided every month to establish residency.

The food pantry, in the Jackson public works building at 10 Don Connor Boulevard, is open to all residents of Jackson, or to any resident in need of emergency food. Pantry clients may not enter the parking lot prior to 4 p.m.

For more information, call 732-833- 6800 send an email to director@jacksonfoodpantry. com.