‘Cupid’s Cabaret’ slated for Feb. 5

The Millstone Township Foundation for Educational Excellence, MTFEE, will host its second annual “Cupid’s Cabaret” Feb. 5. This year’s event will be held at Knob Hill Country Club in Manalapan.

The cabaret night will start at 7 p.m. and will feature a cocktail reception, dinner, dessert, cabaret singers as well as a DJ for dancing. There will also be a silent auction and 50/50 raffle. The cost is $ 50 per person, with a cash bar option.

“Following on its success last year, MTFEE is excited to be hosting another night of song, dinner and dancing,” said Gina Whalen, chairperson of the cabaret. “This fun night out, whether with your valentine or friends, will feature Rat Pack songs.”

The event will help MTFEE provide grant funding to the Millstone Township School District for new and innovative programs to enrich and enhance education for the district’s students. To date, the foundation has awarded more than $390,000 in grants for classroom programs, educational opportunities, staff development and state-of-the-art teaching materials that are beyond the scope of the general school budget. Grants have been awarded at every grade level and in every discipline.

For more information, email [email protected] or visit www.mtfee.org.