February brings to mind Valentine’s Day and love. And love brings to mind dating and relationships. But what if a relationship is not based on love, but control and abuse? And what if the person in that relationship is too young or naïve to see what’s happening? Many relationships (too many in fact) fall into this most dangerous category.
February has been designated National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, a time to acknowledge a serious situation that can touch anyone.
The early signs of teen dating violence can include jealousy, excessive calling and/or texting, checking up on the whereabouts of the partner and insisting they spend all their time together. While some of these behaviors may lead a teen or young adult to think that their partner is headover heels in love, many times these characteristics can be the early red flags for relationship abuse.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in four adolescents report verbal, physical, emotional or sexual abuse from a dating partner each year. Additionally, about 10 percent of students nationwide report being physically hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend in the past 12 months.
2ndFloor is a toll-free youth helpline available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to all New Jersey youth, ages 10-24. Young people can call 2ndFloor at 1-888-222-2228 to speak with professionals and trained volunteers about whatever is on the caller’s mind. The Web site www.2ndFloor.org has information and message boards for young people to share their concerns as well. At 2ndFloor teens can find nonjudgmental and supportive responses to unhealthy and abusive relationships, dating violence and so many of the other serious and challenging issues faced by today’s young people.
We all know that dating and romance can and should be a wonderful thing. However, if any of these red flags pop up, and that little voice inside your head makes you wonder if something is wrong, chances are there is something wrong.
Teens, parents, teachers, counselors and other concerned adults should all know 2ndFloor is here to help.
Nicole M. Romaine