County helps recoup $633,488

The Monmouth County Division of Consumer Affairs recouped $633,488 on behalf of consumers last year, an increase of $132,430 over the previous year, according to a press release from the county.

The figures are contained in the division’s year-end report, which also shows that the number of cases handled by the department rose slightly in 2010, from 856 in 2009 to 937. Director Patricia Watson attributed the upswing to consumers being more savvy about the money they spend on goods and services.

“People are spending less money, but they are more conscious of where their money goes and making sure they get what they paid for,” Watson said.

The money breaks down this way: $139,529 was in cash refunds; $430,295 represents the value of services and items that the division was able to recover for consumers who were unable to get them on their own; $89,243 was in voided contracts; and $4,422 was in exchanges, which means the seller substituted an item of equal value.

Consumer affairs will help consumers resolve all types of consumer-related issues. Information about rescission, fraud and other consumer affairs programs can be found on the county website at or by calling 732-431-7900.