The Somerset County Recycling Center, located at 40 Polhemus Lane, Bridgewater, will be open from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 5.
Residents can drop off textiles, tires, scrap metal, antifreeze, chipboard, and plastic bottles and containers marked 1 through 7.
Chipboard includes gift, shoe, shirt and all retail boxes, as well as cereal, cookie, pasta, cake and cracker boxes, without the plastic liners.
Residents may bring up to eight tires, with or without rims. No household hazardous waste will be accepted.
Residents can drop off consumer electronics (e-waste). E-waste includes computers (CPUs), monitors, terminals/CRTs, televisions, printers, fax machines, copiers, telephones, cellular phones, keyboards, VCRs, CDs, DVDs, computer disks, diskettes, videotapes, cassette tapes, and rechargeable and button-cell batteries. Residents should individually bag each battery or tape each terminal to avoid short-circuiting of batteries.
Residents can bring canned goods and non-perishable food donations. Items will be delivered to the Food Bank Network of Somerset County. Perishables and foods in glass containers are not accepted by food banks.
For a listing of recyclable items and events, visit or call the county recycling center at 732-469-3363.